Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster

Transnationalizing the Study of the United States

Other Resources

The MENA Prison Forum

The MENA Prison Forum advocates and facilitates multidisciplinary engagement with “the prison” and the experience of imprisonment in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Atlas of Surveillance Project

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The Atlas of Surveillance project is a US initiative that documents the use of police tech in communities around the country, using open source research.

Airwars: The Credibles


The Credibles project maps for the first time publicly confirmed (‘Credible’) Coalition civilian harm events in the war against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria.

Migration and Technology Monitor

The Migration and Technology Monitor aims to monitor the use of surveillance technologies, automation, and the use of Artificial Intelligence to screen, track, and make decisions about people crossing borders, highlighting the far reaching impacts on people’s rights and lives.

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