Research Resources

Books and Journals

Debate Feminista

Debate Feminista is a Mexican academic journal about gender and sexuality with a multidisciplinary focus. It was founded by Marta Lamas in 1990, and since 2015 it became part of the patrimony of Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM).
It is edited by the University's Gender Studies and Research Center. It is public in its printed and online versions. The 50 numbers of the historical archive of the journal are available for free as pdfs in Spanish

Queen Ludd Editorial

Under the appearance of an editorial house, Queen Ludd publishes in Spanish and gives free access to South American feminist and transfeminist authors. Their disclaimer states that they believe in the free circulatino of cultural capital, without means of commercial exploitation or profit. They aim to de-capitalize themselves in their attempt of continuing sharing.

Estudios de Género

Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género from El Colegio de México This is a scientific and electronic magazine, which is reviewed anonymously and in pairs, and which focuses providing on theoretical and methodological insights. Since its launch, in 2015, its main objective is to publish specific research findings based on empirical data in the field of gender studies. Given the interdisciplinary nature of gender studies, they welcome works in the hard and natural sciences as well as in the social sciences and humanities. The abstracts are available in English and the pds are of open access in Spanish


Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research كحل: مجلة لأبحاث الجسد و الجندر is a progressive, feminist journal on gender and sexuality in the Middle East, South West Asia, and North Africa regions. Kohl Journal is a biannual, multilingual, open access, and peer reviewed academic journal. It targets mainly, but not exclusively, graduate-level academics, fresh graduates, independent writers, activists, and researchers who are not affiliated with an academic institution. We also welcome submissions from seminal contributors in the field.

Institutional Archives

The Archives of Sexuality and Gender

The Archives of Sexuality and Gender program provides a robust and significant collection of primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. With material dating back to the sixteenth century, researchers and scholars can examine how sexual norms have changed over time, health and hygiene, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, changing gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many other interesting topical areas.

Queer Japan Web Archive

The Queer Japan Web Archive is a joint initiative by librarians for Japanese Studies at Brown, Duke, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale Universities, with support from Professors Dr. Yoshie Yanagihara (Tokyo Denki University) and Dr. Tetsuyuki Shida (Waseda University), which aims to preserve websites created by non-profit Japanese organizations which research, advocate for, support, and provide services to LGBTQ communities. The non-profit organizations included in the Archive provide social services for LGBTQ communities throughout Japan.

UCLA CSRC Archival Projects

Since 2001, the CSRC Library has launched major preservation projects related to music, cinema, the visual arts, and the social sciences.They have two collections related to gender and sexuality: first, the LGBT and Mujeres Initiative and the Lesbian/Feminist Activism and Writing in Los Angeles

Yale Research Initiative on the History of Sexualities

The Yale Research Initiative on the History of Sexualities is dedicated to fostering research and theoretical reflection on the history of sexualities, especially as they intersect with other axes of social difference and inequality. It promotes inquiry into lesbian, gay, and transgender history and the role of sexuality in the history of the self, culture, nation, and empire.


Article 19

ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination. They do this by working on two interlocking freedoms: the Freedom to Speak, and the Freedom to Know. Article 19 offers reports, op-eds, infographics and news to understand violations including censorship, threats, and attacks through the eyes and experiences of women and LGBTQI persons, and the specific and unique threats that women and LGBTQI people face in expressing themselves worlwide

Archivos y Memorias Diversas

The Archives and Memoirs of Diversity in Mexico is a civil-society led effort that started in 2009 to recover the history of the LGBTIQ+ communities in the country. They currently hold weekly seminars in semester-long periods to discuss ongoing research projects and new archives related to gender and sexual diversity in the country. All the material is in Spanish. For the website, go to the "Click Here" button. For the audio archive of the seminars from 2016-2019, visit

Qamra India

The Queer Archive for Memory Reflection and Activism is a multimedia archival project which aims to chronicle and preserve the stories of communities marginalised on the basis of gender and sexuality in India.

Crónicas de la Diversidad

This Peruvian online publication documents sexual and gender diversity topics since 2010. They are currently starting to archive their latest numbers (starting in 2019), which include narrations of gender-queer and LGBTI+ chronicles. The archive is available for free in Spanish, and it links to their website for more content.

Moléculas Malucas

This free archive gathers material of Latin America's LGBTQ+ populations and their global and transnational networks. This collection has archives, interviews and articles, all in Spanish. Their website is also linked to their compact visual archive in Instagram and recent acquisitions on Facebook.