Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster

Global Futures: Uncertainty, Displacement, Security

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP)

Established in 1990, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) is a leading non-profit civil organization in the fields of mental health and human rights in Palestine. Guided by the principles of justice and human rights, GCMHP strives to improve the Palestinian community’s mental health through providing clinical, social, research and training services in addition to gathering support and advocating for the rights of women, children, and victims of violence and human rights violations. If you want to know more about GCMHP’s work, visit their website here

Our partnership with GCMHP aims to better understand the psychological well-being of Palestinians, the impact of their living conditions on their mental health, and how to improve the mental health practices in Palestine. The outcome of this partnership includes

I. An interview with Dr.Yasser Abu Jamei, general director of GCMHP, which focuses on the unique challenges of COVID-19 for people in besieged Gaza. Given the long-lasting blockade, dense population, and severe shortage of basic necessities, Gaza is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19. This interview helps people outside Gaza know better about how Gazans struggle with pandemic and blockade. 

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