Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster
Environmental Justice/Climate Justice
Conference 2020: Confronting the Climate Crisis with Systemic Alternatives in the Age of Coronavirus
The UC Santa Barbara Environmental and Climate Justice Hub invites you to take part in a nearly carbon-neutral online conference of pre-recorded talks that will collectively explore the range of environmental and climate justice initiatives ideas, visions, movements, strategic orientations, and on the ground alternatives that resist extinction by confronting the current crisis in every kind of way.
In 2018 and 2019, the state of play in the climate crisis seemed to shift, with urgent climate reports, the rise of new social movements and tactics, especially among young people, and a pluriverse of proposals and projects for more life-affirming ways of being on this Earth.
Now, well into 2020, the world is beset by a global pandemic that is devastating lives and livelihoods and a climate crisis that worsens intensifying inequalities, fraying political systems, and cultures of violence everywhere, from police brutality to authoritarian governments to U.S. militarism.
While people have celebrated reduced CO2 emissions due to economic stoppage, communities at the margins of the world are faced with even stronger extractivism (of fossil fuels, mining, agro-industries, etc.). They are similarly identifying the interconnectedness of the health crisis and the systems at the source of climate injustices – capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy.
Collective social forces of and for climate justice and systemic alternatives are confronting this renewed crisis with imagination, new forms of online organizing, and hard work.
In this conference, we invite papers that engage with these global drivers of environmental and climate crisis and investigate their deep structures and histories. Likewise, contributions may analyze alternatives and the possibilities of more just climate futures. We also welcome other forms of participation that seek to bridge the academic, social movement, and policy domains.
See full conference details: LINK
You can watch the Conference Welcomes and Introductions below