The members of this research cluster are fully cognizant of the fact that enslavement, colonialism and neocolonialism are global pathologies of power and exploitation that transformed the world as they traveled. As such, this cluster seeks a broad and deep time accounting of histories of resistance, quests for autonomy and struggles for self-liberation by formerly (and still, in some cases) enslaved, colonized or otherwise oppressed peoples of the world.
We ask:
Azaria Mbughuni, “Tanzania and the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa”
A special guest lecture by Dr. Azaria Mbughuni as part of UCSB’s African Studies Series. This lecture focuses on the role of Tanzania in Southern Africa’s liberation struggles and the transnational relationship of African self-liberation. Dr. Mbughuni’s guest lecture will build onto Professor Mhoze Chikowero‘s ongoing graduate seminar on African Self-Liberation.
Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies
2320 Girvetz Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2150
T: 805-893-6087
F: 805-893-6089
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Campus Mailcode: 2150
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