Orfalea Center Thematic Research Cluster

Resistance, Autonomy, Liberation

Liberation Publications

The monographs, articles, journals, websites, dissertations, and theses listed below are resources dedicated to liberatory ideals focusing on the oppressed populations of Global East and Global South. 

These sources are aimed at students, educators, researchers, and political organizers, all radical thinkers and activists. These resources lend themselves not only to classroom teaching and professional scholarship but also independent research initiatives, group discussions, and radical organizing. These materials feature a variety of resources that vary in complexity, and are meant to be accessible to all. 

These published materials illustrate the prevailing interests of the current members of the Resistance, Autonomy, and Liberation Cluster. These publications are a means to decode the historical and contemporary contestations within our contemporary neocolonial and neoimperial world-system. We hope that these materials will stimulate vital conversations around Resistance, Autonomy, and Liberation and contribute the expansion of these themes in the future. 

Additional Resource Submissions

This list of publications are by no means comprehensive. We hope to develop it through dialogue with like-minded students, educators, researchers, and activists across the world.

If you would like to submit a resource that you believe should be added , please complete this Google Form, listing all the required details about your proposed resource. As the form states, please try to recommend freely available resources to the fullest extent possible.

If you have any queries about appropriate resources or any other aspect of this project, please reach out to the Resistance, Autonomy, and Liberation Research Cluster at ralcluster@gmail.com.

Dissertations and Theses

Websites/e sources

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