Governance & Human Rights
Conveners: Alison Brysk and Michael Stohl
The Governance and Rights Hub investigates and analyzes global patterns of rights, rule, policy, and institutions. Concerns include Who rules urgent problems that cross borders? How effectively? Are they legitimate? What are the shifting relationships in and among states, markets, global institutions, and global civil society? How do these global patterns of governance affect the rights and empowerment of individuals and communities? What’s new in the “21st Century Global Dynamics” of this process?
Upcoming Events
Research Agendas for Human Rights Research
Participants in the workshop have been chosen from submissions gathered from the Global Human Rights Scholarly Community through an open call to the International Studies Association and American Political Science Associations Human Rights Sections. Each presentation and subsequent revised book chapter will explore the future of research in an area of human rights research of the author’s choosing.
Roundtable participants will track emerging frontiers in human rights scholarship.
Counter-terrorism and Human Rights at the United Nations Security Council: Revisiting Hegemonic International Law
What explains the key features of the process unleashed by the adoption of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1373 on the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks?