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Marko Jovanovic

Marko Jovanovic

Research Associate
Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade

“Exploring Egyptian Public Opinion Attitudes towards China”

The strategic partnership between Egypt and China has spanned decades, evolving through various economic, political, and cultural dimensions. This study aims to investigate Egyptian public opinion attitudes towards China and its involvement in Egypt. Utilizing data from Arab Barometer Wave V from 2018 and Afro Barometer Round 6 from 2016, the research seeks to provide better understanding of perceptions, sentiments, and factors influencing Egyptian views on China. Key themes explored include perceptions of China's economic investments and aid in Egypt, cooperation, and the impact of China's presence on Egyptian interests. The findings are anticipated to offer valuable insights into the dynamics of the Egypt-China relationship as perceived by the Egyptian public, illuminating both areas of strength and potential challenges.

China-Egypt Project

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