”Changing Business and Investment Models in the Angola-China Nexus: Projects, Schools and Commerce”
International Webinar Conference
In this new episode of the “China-Angola Relations Webinar Series,” the presentations will center on the evolving business and cooperation models between the two countries, spanning key sectors such as education, agriculture, technology, and construction. The webinar will shed light on the diversification of investments, illustrating how the current landscape extends beyond traditional large-scale, standardized, and high-yield commercial ventures to embrace regionally focused enterprises buoyed by Chinese private investment. This shift's impact on daily sociocultural interactions between Angolans and Chinese will be a key topic. Drawing from compelling case studies, these presentations will vividly depict the dynamic nature of these emerging business models. We will delve into the sociocultural impacts of investments in areas like Kilamba, Hoje Ya Henda, and Cidade da China, alongside discussing the establishment of the first Chinese international school in Angola.